Puff, Puff, new Profile photo! The Gutter Cat Gang's renowned Puffer Gang leader, whose PFP is always comfy, has flown back to the Gutter!
r0se.puffergang.eth (@r0seNY) recently tweeted, "Puffer," and posted a picture of his recognizable Pigeon, #244, a 6-Trait bird with Black Fur, Heterochromia Eyes, Toothpick, Green Bandana, Puffer Jacket, and Yellow Background.
As the Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, r0seNY joined the Gang in the Fall of 2021 and told the GCT in late January, 2023: "Being a Puffer is the reason I stayed in web3 when the bear market hit the space hard."
In February of 2023, he and other GCG members launched Gutter Arcade to build community, have fun, and bring value to the Gang and others. They launched several games, distributed prizes, and engaged artists and creators in a Puffer Fashion Showcase. The team was poised for their next iteration, called dopo, but pumped the breaks due to the bear market.
Then, on September 14th, 2023, r0seNY switched his PFP to Alien Doogle #2240. At the time, he tweeted, "New jacket, XXL Puffer." Check out the image below:

A few weeks after the announcement of a new Mayor of the Gutter Cat Gang, r0seNY returned to his Pigeon Puffer.
The Gutter Cat Times reached out to hear more about the comeback of the Puffer Pigeon and what's next for the dopo team.
r0seNY said, "I was thinking about doing it, and then Jay Bird (@btcguy35) brought back the bird, which was enough to get me to pull the trigger."
He added, "Nothing cooking yet, and still just enjoying the new energy in the Gutter. It's not miserable anymore. Puffer."
Gang MF Gang! Happy to have the Puffer bird fly back home to the Gutter. The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow the community and bring you the latest news. Follow us @guttercattimes on Twitter for all things Gutter, all the time.