Gang Gang from the Gutter!
Lots going on in the Gang, both community and Founder-driven. We have Puffer Fashion Showcase voting, the upcoming Gutter Roast, and new Gutter Clubs in the Hub!
Yesterday, 3/29, brought two gang gang announcements from Gutter Dan in the Gutter Discord: one focused on Gutter Club Access and another on Gutter Club Admins.

For Gutter Club Access, Dan said: "Beginning Friday, April 14th, all Gutter Clubs must be joined via our official webpage ( to gain or keep access to the respective Discord channels. The new system will remove anyone who was previously in the channel that did not join the club through the website."
Dan added that this is for all Clubs, even the Boardroom and Gutter Picks. He then provided information on how to join a Gutter Club via the website link. Those steps can be found below in the Discord screenshot that the Gutter Cat Times captured from the Discord announcement.

In addition to the Gutter Club Access update, Dan added: "We're looking for additional Gutter Club Admins. The position will start on a volunteer basis and each Admin will be given the keys and permissions to make their respective Gutter Club as useful and entertaining as possible. We are looking for Admins who will take ownership of their sub channel and grow membership and engagement through contests, streaming events, Twitter spaces, etc...which Gutter Labs is happy to support. We grow together."
Dan said that Gutter Club Admins will be provided with a role in the Discord that will be identifiable and easy for Gang to find. He indicated that it's "also a great opportunity to grow your personal brand alongside Gutter," and that "the sky's the limit" for each Club.

Dan shouted out Steezy and Leo from the Gutter BETS club and said, "We see the Gang in the Gutter BETS club putting in the work!!"

If any Gang are interested in being a Gutter Club Admin and launching a club, Dan said, "reach out to the Gutter Community Managers to discuss details."
Go get it, Gang! Lots of ideas, talent, and grit in the Gutter. Can't wait to see what Clubs get launched and who steps in as Admin! Gang Gang!
@guttercattimes will follow and share updates on new Clubs and Admin. Follow us on Twitter for all Gutter all the time.