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Stacking Cats: Anon Wallet Scoops 4 Six-Trait OG Cats


Gang Gang from the Gutter!

Nothing says Caturday like adding OG cats and making Gang Gang moves!

Though market waters may be a little choppy, there's a flow of activity in the Gutter as Gang scoop cats to add to their collections. As The Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, the GCG recently saw this anon wallet and this Cryptopunk pick up banger Cats.

And now, another Anon wallet has purchased 4 OG Cats over the last two-days, each with six-traits. This GCG member holding 4 OG Cats ranks at #148 on the Gutterboard, according to

Cat #1231, has Bali fur, Squinted Green eyes, Trapper hat, White tank shirt, Toothpick and a Pink background. This cat was purchased for 1.130 WETH.

Cat #266, has Pink fur, Squinted Yellow eyes, Whiskers, a Fedora, Hippie Shirt, and a Blue background. This cat was purchased for 1.090 ETH.

Cat #2576, has Bali fur, Yellow eyes, a Red bandana, Doc shirt, Turban, and Purple Background. This cat was purchased for 1.0555 WETH.

Cat #2266, has Pink fur, White eyes, Stubble, a Ski Jacket, Turban, and a Yellow background. This cat was purchased for 1.05 WETH. Add t

Congrats to the anon buyer of these four dope Gutter Cats! Gang Gang!

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