Gang Gang from the Gutter!
Lots happening these days in the gutter, with the drop of gcg.eth subdomains for Cat holders and Gang's return to TBT.
Yesterday, March 9th, the Gutter Cat Gang tweeted about another exciting addition to the site: rad Gutter visuals to use as backdrops for GCG species!
The Gang tweeted, "GUTTER WORLD - a new addition to the Gutter website that includes visuals released from Gutter City. Each illustration is available for download in high resolution, allowing the community to co-create the Gutter story."
The Gang has options of over 25 images, including: Welcome To The Gutter, Whiskerz Bar, G-Street Court, The Gutter Cat Club, Streets of Gutter City, Gutter City Holdem, Late Nights In The Lab, and others.
The Gang was stoked to to have these high-res images available on the Gutter hub. swazleneuf.eth (@JasonPostier) said, "Very dope and gutter." Dimensionhopper (@KeepinItGutta) tweeted, "Gang gang," and M!KΞ (@mfhornjr) said, "Keep it Gutter," referencing Gutter's song, which is also available on the site.
Gang can head to the link and pick their favorite images to download and add OGs and clones to. Gang Gang!
Check out @guttercattimes on Twitter for all things Gutter.