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Get It, Gang: Gutter Gives gcg.eth Subdomains

Gang Gang from the Gutter!

Things are hoppin' in the Gang, as today the Gutter Cat Gang team gave the opportunity for Gutter Cat holders to snag a gcg.eth subdomain!

Today, the GCG tweeted, "Gutter Cat holders may now claim a gcg.eth sub-domain in their Collector Profile. These subdomains can be used as your decentralized username on our website and other dapps across the web3 ecosystem. Huge shoutout to @bettertorun hooking us up with the .gcg ENS. Gang Gang"

As the Gutter Cat Times reported in January, be3tboy.eth offered gcg.eth to the Gang.

On Jan 19th, he tweeted: "@gutterikarlee @gutterdan_ @GutterMitch @gutterric if I gift gcg.eth to you will you promise to create subs for the community? I couldn't make it to the focus groups but this is my contributions to the rebrand of the @GutterCatCang. Let me know...."

On 1/23, be3tboy.eth tweeted, "The @GutterCatGang now owns gcg.eth. I appreciate @GutterMitch responsiveness to my offer and insistence that they reimburse me. This team is going to surprise many of you this year. gang gang."

Since the Gutter Cat Gang's tweet about the gcg.eth claim, the Gang has been stoked: Tom Wagmi (@TomWagmi) tweeted an emoji and #GangGang, and shared a shot of his profile showing off his new tomwagmi@gcg.eth subdomain.

chale.eth I macchamp.eth (@chaleklein) wrote, "Legends. Well played. Gang gang." And soy.eth tweeted, "good stuff."

To claim the gcg.eth subdomain, Gutter Cat holders can go to their Profile page on the site, click "Edit Profile," and then "Claim Now." Go grab your gcg.eth subdomain, and Gang Gang!

Follow @guttercattimes on Twitter for more Gutter news and updates.

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