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Gutter Snacks: Spotlight On the Gang's Own SnackDaddy


Gutter members find creative ways to incorporate their Gutter assets into their IRL work. For some, that looks like including their Cat in a prime placement on SnoopDogg's new platform.

For others, like SnackDaddy (@SnackDaddyNFT), it means bringing the Gutter and web3 to his SnackLand shop in Glendale, Arizona!

SnackDaddy said, "We've been in business for 12 years and are the only shop in the area that accepts ETH at Snackland.eth."

He joined the gang when a friend got him to jump in via Species mint passes. He picked up "two species 3 and two species 4 mint passes, and a Rat in my first week." But, he ran out of ETH before he could get a Cat. As Gutter luck would have it, "devs had a giveaway where they gave away mint passes and 11 OG cats to those holding passes." SnackDaddy was one of the winners, and he's rocked this Cat ever since!

SnackDaddy's pfp is Cat #1972, a 4-trait with Calico fur, squinted yellow eyes, dreads, and a green background. According to the Gutterboard on the GCG Website, SnackDaddy has 1 Cat, 1 Rat, 3 Pigeons, 1 Dog, 8 D1 Clones, and 4 D2 Clones.

He's used his Cat's IP to make custom Crocs charms and stickers. @iamMRJOUBREL showed those off last year, tweeting, "#GangGang shout out to @SnackDaddyNFT for the fast delivery on these awesome Croc charms! Thank you!"

He also gave away his Cat Crocs charms to customers wearing Crocs and he has a sticker of his Cat with a QR code that takes curious customers to the Gang's Opensea page. Plus, SnackDaddy's truck, the company vehicle, also has GCG NFT as a license plate! Gang Gang!

For SnackDaddy, being in the Gutter "is having a place called home in web3. " He said, "A project is only as good as it’s community," and in the "Gutter, here are good, caring, helpful, nice people." It was the first community that really locked him in.

One example of that Gutter community vibe that OGs in the space might remember is when SnackDaddy shared a tweet and video of the time he met a fellow GCG member at his shop. He captured and shared it: "The moment I met my first fellow @GutterCatGang fam in the wild! Should out to @GutterHodl_ for stopping by my shop! Made my day! $GANG $GANG."

Bullish on Gutter, SnackDaddy is excited for more gamification and rewards for loyal holders. With hints dropped by Gutter Dan and team in spaces, those seem to be on the horizon for the Gang.

In the future, he'd like to use his Cat "for some sort of candy, snack, or drink so I can sell it in my shop." If any Gang are in Glendale, definitely drop in to this Gutter SnackLand shop and say "Gang Gang" to SnackDaddy!

Follow @guttercattimes on Twitter for more spotlights, news, and insights on all things Gutter.

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