The Gutter Cat Gang community got a 'lil pudgy' as a famous web3 leader waddled his way over to Gutter City and joined the Gang!
On Sunday, Pudgy Penguin CEO Luca Netz took to the timeline and announced that he joined the GCG community!
"It’s hard not to support people who put their money where their mouth is. Excited for our talk @mauloadream. Happy to finally be part of the Gang," Luca tweeted earlier today.
Luca showed off his 5-Trait feline, with Grey Fur, Donnie Hair, Square Shades, Black Tank, and a Purple Background. He purchased the Cat for 1.38 ETH, or $2,152.19.
Noah responded to Luca, tweeting, "Welcome to the community, Luca! I know the Gutter is thrilled you joined us, I am as well. Talk soon."
As the Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, Luca has shown some love for the GCG before.
In July, Luca snapped a photo of himself rockin' a pair of limited edition GutterMelo kicks, and tweeted, "Gang Gang."
Welcome to the Gutter, Luca! Stoked to see you and Noah collaborate!
The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow news on notable newcomers to the Gang, and bring updates to the community.
Follow along @guttercatimes on Twitter for all things Gutter, all the time.