Gang Gang! Lots of action at the Gutter Arcade (@gutterarcade_) tonight, as a hot, new game dropped.
The game, called "Fur Ball," asks players to shoot Gutter Cat Gang trait-colored fur balls at existing fur balls to make groupings of three or more. Trust us -- it's easier than it sounds, and harder than it looks!

The fur balls are Orange Tabby, Camouflage, Leopard, Puffer Jacket blue, Black tats, Pink, Purple Cheshire, Fish-scale, and White Tiger.
As the Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, the Gutter Arcade is a Puffer Gang x Community First initiative created as a way for the Gang to have fun, build community, and bring value to the Gang and other communities.
"Fur Ball" is the latest in a series of games that the Gutter Arcade has launched; the prior game is called Gutter Flight, a free-throw challenge, and the winner of that game will receive a Brand new 50-inch LED 4K UHD TV!

Don't yet know what's in store for the Fur Ball champs, but the current leaderboard suggests a battle for first place!
After only going live a couple of hours ago, there are already 115 participants and @gutter_dogg holds the lead and second place with a score of 2296 and 2100, respectively.
The GCG community is stoked on the Arcade: @NyCleaner tweeted, "This is what building looks like. The best part is that when you look behind the curtains they're doing even more!"

Oozy.eth (@OozyFerny101) tweeted, "I got 13 place in the new fur ball game made by @gutterarcade_"

Get your Gutter Arcade on, Gang, and have a little fur ball fun with the family! Gang Gang!
Stay tuned to @guttercattimes for updates on the leaderboard, the community's reactions, and Gutter Arcade prizes!