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READY, SET, REGISTER: Gutter Cat Gang Can Apply For The GutterMelo Shoe Drop Now!


The Gang's got GutterMelo MB.03 kicks on the way, and Gutter species' holders, along with others, can now register for the drop!

Today launched early access registration for these ballin' sneakers, and the Gang community and the web3 space at large is invited to get in on the action.

The Gutter Cat Gang tweeted, "A friends and family sneaker drop you can get your hands on. Registration for early access to the GutterMelo MB.03 drop is now open on @PreMint. Holders that are participating in early access MUST sign up via PreMint. Supply is limited. Sign up today at"

Note, early access registration is for ALL Cat, Rat, Dog, and Pigeon holders, plus anyone else who wants to mint the GutterMelo NFT.

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to Dr. Leo (@DrDicatrio), GCGs Community Manager, and he confirmed that this registration for early access period is for everyone!

"Every single person that wants to mint should fill out the pre-mint registration" he said."If you don't have a Gutter asset but still want to mint, I'd first encourage you to buy a species and enjoy everything Gutter, but still fill out the pre-mint registration because we are giving away some Tier 2 access to non holders as well."

Following the registration period, there will be three tiers of access to actually purchase the GutterMelo NFT on June 29th; the NFT is redeemable for the physical sneakers during a 1-month redemption period.

Tier 1: Allowlist Sale, June 29 11am - 1PM ET: Guaranteed Early Access, $175

Owners of a Gutter Cat Gang (Cats) NFT. Owners must add their wallet to claim their spot on the early access list.

Tier 2: Waitlist Sale, June 29 1PM - 3PM ET: Priority Raffle, $195

Owners of Gutter Species including Rats, Pigeons, and Dogs can sign up for a priority raffle for Early Access. Owners must add their wallet to claim their spot on the waitlist for priority raffle.

Tier 3: Public Sale, June 29 3pm ET, $215

The general public can sign up for access for the public sale.

Cats Rats, Pigeons, Dogs and everyone else in the world has until June 27th at 11AM EST to sign up for the pre-mint for the GutterMelo shoes.

If Gang or others have any difficulties with the Early Access registration, you can reach out to Dr. Leo (@DrDicatrio), or hop into the Gutter Cat Gang Discord.

The GCT will continue to follow the GutterMelo drop and will keep you posted on all things Gang related. Stay tuned for updates @guttercattimes on Twitter. Gang Gang!

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