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Professionally Gutter: Network With The Captain, David Bokman!


Get your Gutter networking on, Gang!

Gutter Cat Gang community member, Bo_Knows, holds his latest weekly networking Twitter space on Wednesday, 7/19, at 7PM CT, and will spotlight GCG member David Bokman (@BokmanDavid). "Your next Professionally Gutter Special Guest: @BokmanDavid!! Join us Wednesday July 19th, 7pm CT, to learn about David’s multi million dollar real estate investment company and how his decades of discipline through life and martial arts has shaped his success. See ya there!"

Bo said that David will share what it's been like to found, own, and scale the Bokman Investment Group, and the lessons he learned along the way.

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to David to find out what he's excited about for the space.

He said, " I always look forward to any kind of speaking event, as it gives me an opportunity to share my story along with how real estate changed my life in many ways." He added that if even one person walks away with something valuable, it's worth it!

Join the Space to get insights from David and grow your Gutter community network!

The Gutter Cat Times will live tweet some gems from the space! Follow us @guttercattimes on Twitter for all news from the Gutter, all the time.

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