This Gutter Cat Gang member is Gutter-fying characters across pop culture, from Marvel movies to famous dames like Marilyn Monroe!
Lethaumaturge.eth (@le_thaumaturge) has been giving the Gutter a glimpse of his emerging illustration in an "Everyday Art" series, and is now on Day 10!
"𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑨𝒓𝒕 𝑫𝒂𝒚 10 GMGG ! Step by step (4000x4000 art with popculture references gutterized soon available) What will be the next reference? 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠," he tweeted today, showing off the latest cast of characters.
The Gutter Cat Times reached out to Lethaumaturge, who recently wowed the Gang with his Harry Gutter (Potter) creations, to find out more about this Everyday Art.
He explained, "I'm creating this everyday to make a large-scale work, which would represent pop culture as much as possible through the image of Gutter."
"Many other friends from the Gutter have already given suggestions for additions, like Noah with The Elf or TJ with McFly," he added.
Check out some of the close up characters, including The Elf in the scene below!
He told the GCT that he's open to other suggestions for additions: "If it's relevant in anything related to cinema, pop culture, sports or even an historical character, I want to create a community work!" He asked the Gang to shout out their suggestions on the TL!
Gutter's BatDog (@goodbatdog) gave props and a suggestion the other day, tweeting, "This needs more clout ASAP! I’d like to see a Vegeta Cat who else is @le_thaumaturge missing?"
Though Lethaumaturge hasn't yet decided what he'll do with the drawing once it's finished, he said: "It'll be available for the Gutter!"
If you have ideas for additional characters, DM Lethaumaturge or hit him up on the TL! Gang Gang!
The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow Lethaumaturge's illustration and how the Gang can pick it up. Follow along @guttercattimes on X for all things Gutter, all the time.