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Gutter Gets Dub Two & Heads To Regional Final On Saturday!


The Gutter Cats don't quit!

This Gutter Cat Gang-sponsored basketball team has got that dog in them, coming back from a slow start to win 71 - 57 over Shell Shock in ESPN's The Basketball Tournament!

"Gutter with the dub last night. We move through the @thetournament bracket and play The Ville Saturday at 12PM ET. See you on the court," the Gutter Cat Gang tweeted earlier today.

The Gutter Cat Times spoke with Team Gutter Cats' Co-General Manager, Bman28, AKA, Brandon Forman (@brandonforman), for the inside scoop on how the team's feeling coming out of Game 2 and getting ready for Saturday's game.

"Team is feeling great," Bman28 said. "We started off shooting 1/17 from the field and had a tournament record low 3 points in the first quarter. We were resilient and got back into our rhythm and won the game."

To prep for Saturday's game, Bman28 explained, "No specific changes in strategy - just have to control what we can control and execute what we've been stressing to our players in practice." "It'll be a full stadium and we feel our experience playing in Wichita last year has prepared us for this game," Bman28 added.

LFG, Gutter Cats! Be sure to tune in on Saturday the 29th at 12PM ET on ESPN2 to cheer on the team.

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to bring you updates on TBT and all things Gutter, all the time. Follow us @guttercattimes on Twitter.

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