Gang Gang! It's getting hot in the Gutter arcade as the Gang battles to dominate the leaderboard.
As the Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, the Puffer Gang created the arcade-style games to spark "new and exciting ways for the Gutter community to expand, create value, and have fun."

We're seeing the Gutter community and others getting into the "Almost 2050" game, a "Gutter twist" on the iconic 2048, where players swipe or use arrow keys to move tiles.
As of this writing, @hookemheels22 is in the top spot, with a time of 283, and @lebreezy_ is right on his "heels." It's a battle royale between the Puffer and the Tracksuit Gangs!
Today we saw the two competitors trash talking each other on Twitter, with @lebreezy_ proclaiming, "Tracksuit Gang is the gang to beat."

Shortly afterwards, @hookemheels22 responded: "Check your facts #pufferforlife."

The sheer speed of these two gamers sparked a response from @heckman_eth, who Tweeted, "How tf you go so fast?"

Not long afterwards, @r0seNY threw down a challenge: "First player to beat a time of 269 on 'Almost 2050' wins a @GutterCatGang clone! Test your speed at
The @guttercattimes will follow this story to find out who's speedy enough to snag this GCG clone! Gang Gang!