The Gang shoots and scores!
With GutterMelo kicks dropping on June 29th, the Gutter Cat Gang is giving the community ballin' backgrounds to use on their phones, Twitter, and desktops.
As the Gang makes big plays in the Web3 space, the Gutter Cat Gang took to Twitter and dropped a new gang gang animated wallpaper featuring its GutterMelo kicks!
"Power in every jump, style in every dunk. #GUTTERMELO" the GCG tweeted earlier today, along with a picture of a slam-dunking Gutter Cat rockin' a pair of GutterMelo sneakers.
With their tweet, the Gutter Cat Gang shared the link to grab the dope GutterMelo wallpaper. Gang can download it at

As the Gutter Cat Gang dropped this background, they may have also included a hint at what the Gutter Cats' team will wear for ESPNs, The Basketball Tournament (TBT).
TBT is a competition made up of top professional, college alumni, and international basketball players competing in a single-elimination 5-on-5 tournament for a winner-take-all $1 Million prize. It launches in late July, 2023, and this will be its 10th Anniversary year.
After seeing the GutterMelo background, GutterANT.ETH (@GUTTERxANT) asked, "Is this the new jersey designs for TBT next month as well?" Cryptopowwow (@Cryptopowwow1) said, "Is this a tbt jersey teaser?"
The Gutter Cat Gang responded with what is commonly understood as a pondering or thinking emoji.

While we don't know for sure whether the GutterMelo background gives us a peek at the TBT jersey, we do know that Gang are stoked to use the backdrop!
DaVincitheGreat.eth (@DaVinci_ADA) tweeted, "Can you feel the Gutter Vibes now? Shoutout to the @Guttercatgang team for executing a website that we can all be proud of. Loving the downloadable content coming directly from our website."

Gang can download the GutterMelo wallpaper at!
The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow the TBT jersey teaser and bring you the latest information!
Follow us @guttercattimes for all things Gutter, all the time.