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Gutter Cat Gang Valentine: Poem & Picture Hint At Partnership - Activations


Gang Gang! The Gutter got a Valentine from the GCG team today in the form of a Discord announcement and Tweet that said: "Roses are red, Violets are blue, We'll keep it Gutter, Do you see what I do?"

This tweet set off a flurry of speculation among the gang and search to unpack the picture's clues.

The GCG picture shows a Gutter Dog and Gutter Cat seated at a table by candlelight, eating spaghetti with red sauce and dog biscuits. The picture is reminiscent of the famous Disney movie, Lady and the Tramp.

The Gutter dog is sporting a purple beanie and tracksuit, and the Gutter Cat is wearing a Puffer jacket and sunglasses. On the table is a phone with a picture of sneakers and the phrase. "GOT 'EM."

GutterBTC pointed out a background sign that says, "New Shop Open Soon!" Another GCG member, @exclusvty, noted the sign that reads, "G-shop" and "Equips." These clues may suggest the Gutter Marketplace, which has been hinted at by the team.

Pixlz emphasized the clue on the phone, and said that it "looks familiar" to a Nike advertisement.

@akaSupreme_eth agreed, tweeting, "Historically speaking I only know of 1 place that uses the word "Got 'em" like that. AND THAT'S NIKE on SNKRS..THIS COULD BE HUGE..."

In a late January Gutter FM Twitter Space, Gutter Dan hinted at "two massive partners."

Back to the poem: Do we see what you do? Only time will tell. But the team says they'll "keep it Gutter," and the @guttercattimes is here for it! Gang Gang!

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