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GOT GIFS?: Gutter Cat Gang Gets Their GIF Game On! Find Out How To Get Yours & Share Ideas


The Gutter's getting GIPHY, and looking to get the Gang in on the action!

Recently, the Gutter Cat Gang's Creative Director, SMOOTHIE (@rughospital), tweeted, "Burn the Clones @GutterCatGang @GutterDev Check out all the new Gutter #gifs and #stickers fam! Simply copy the browser link of your favorites and post em everywhere Gang!"

He linked to the Gutter Cat Gang's GIPHY site, which can be found here:

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to SMOOTHIE to find out more about the GIFs and the new additions to the GIPHY site.

He said, "I want to see the Gang creating memes and get new eyes on the Gutter Cat Gang with this site."

During the 11/29 Gutter City Assembly, SMOOTHIE shared that the team is working to expand Gutter's visibility and reach: "In the last two weeks, we've gone from 8k views and 6 GIFs on the site to 60 GIFS and 50k views a day. We're bringing more eyes on the project."

As of today, 12/1, the daily views increased to 70k!

SMOOTHIE told the GCT, "I want to get 10 billion views and pump our bags!"

Check out some of the rad GIFs he's created below, based on suggestions from the Gang:

SMOOTHIE shared a link in Gutter's Support and Suggestions Discord channel, and invites everyone in the Gang to make suggestions for stickers, GIFS, and Emojis that the can create for people to use and post!

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to share updates on the Gutter's community initiatives and ways for the Gang to get involved in co-creating GIFs!

Follow us @guttercattimes for all things Gutter, all the time!

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