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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Gutter's Mayor Noah Shares 30-Day Video Update, Giving Props & Dropping Alpha!


This Caturday, 11/11, Gutter Cat Gang's new Mayor, Noah (@mauloadream) provided exclusive 30-day recap video footage to the Gutter Cat Times.

As the GCT previously reported, on October 9th, 2023, Noah acquired Gutter Labs' assets and was sworn in as the Mayor of Gutter City!

Tonight's video highlights include:

  • The Mayor's increased communication and alliances with other NFT brands

  • Shout-outs to Gutter community initiatives, spaces, artists, and builders

  • Hints at forthcoming IRL events, a solution to "overpopulation," and an animation series

  • Plus, an announcement by Monday, 11/13, of new Gutter team members to support Noah in actualizing his vision for the Gutter

Check out the full video below!

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to bring you news and updates from Gutter's Mayor and all the inside scoops from GCG's community.

Follow us @guttercattimes for all things Gutter, all the time.

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