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Dan Says "Yes Sir": What's GCG Got Up Its Sleeve This Week?


Gang Gang! We kick off this week with all eyes on potential "activations" following Gutter Dan's Discord teasers yesterday.

Today we're following breadcrumbs from a Twitter exchange between GCG member impepe.eth (@Whoisit58) and Gutter Dan.

impepe inquired, "So expect something this week?" Gutter Dan replied, "Yes Sir."

impepe's Tweet also referenced a Discord question posed yesterday from @DHUSTLE, who asked, "Does this mean you guys are going to tell us something this week?" Gutter Dan responded, "Yes."

Shake your Magic 8-ball, Gutter Cat Times readers: all signs point to "yes," there's something brewing this week. Is it an upcoming "horizon" activation? Could it have something to do with the recent Caturday animation collab between @AtriumNft x KingpinDao? Or is there a big partnership in the works?

Feel free to submit guesses in the comments, and stay tuned as the @guttercattimes keeps watch on this developing story. Gang Gang!

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