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Chalk Of The Town: Caturdays Are For BoredGutterNick's Pics

Gang Gang from the Gutter!

BoredGutterNick (@gutternick_eth) was back at his chalkboard again this weekend with drawings for the Gang and others! As Gang might remember, in late February, BoredGutterNick launched this initiative, showing off his skillz with replicas of Gutter assets for folks like @iamMRJOUBREL and Sonofhomer (@KidJeweler22), among others.

On Caturday, March 4th, he tweeted, "Fuck it. It's Caturday. Drop a cat you want drawn below. Doesn't have to be a gutter cat. Warning though cool cats may be drawn injured."

Hawl3y (@Hawl3y) dropped his Gutter Cat #408 in its @iamMRJOUBREL derivative red puffer jacket, and wrote: "for the culture #puffergang." This 4-Trait Cat has Grey fur, Heterochromia Yellow Green Eyes, and a Blue Puffer Jacket, on Purple background.

BoredGutterNick came back with this rendition:

Tom Wagmi @TomWagmi dropped his Gutter Cat, #2232, with its Grey fur, Hippie Shirt, Blue Eyes, and Gold Earring, on Yellow background:

BoredGutterNick delivered for the Gang yet again:

The fun didn't stop on Caturday, as BoredGutterNick continued his creative streak today, March 5th. He tweeted: "Sunday ... drawing random shit," with a chalkboard picture of the word Day inside of a yellow sun, surrounded by blue clouds.

One of the first creations to come off the board was a drawing for LoveMake.eth (@g13m), who is renowned for his cosplay recreations of Bored Apes and other communities' NFTs. BoredGutterNick drew BAYC #1305, with its King Crown, Cream Fur, Closed Eyes, and Tie-Dye Shirt:

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to BoredGutterNick, who said he joined the Gutter Cat Gang in August of 2021 before they "took off." He said, "The Gutter provided me with a lot of value..." and he was able to get into Yuga "because of the Gutter." Plus, he said that he "made some amazing friends, and is forever thankful for that."

BoredGutterNick was inspired to create his chalk pictures for the Gutter and others by his "kids and free time." Gang Gang!

Look for more pics from BoredGutterNick on Caturdays or whenever he's got free time and fresh chalk!

Follow @guttercattimes on Twitter to bring you news from the Gang and community!

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