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WINNER, WINNER: GCG Member Upandtotheright's Giveaway Brings New Member KillaDro To the Gang

The Gang initiated a brand new member the other day!

As The Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, GCG member Upandtotheright (@uppN2theright) held a giveaway to spread Gutter love. The prize was #1615, a 6-Trait Dog, with White Tiger Fur, Blue Eyes, Gold Stud Earring, Dog Tags Necklace, Finnesse Shirt, and Blue Background.

Upandtotheright recently tweeted, "CONGRATS @KillaDro_ GUTTER DOG IS YOURS!!

Welcome to the GANG @GutterCatGang

Hit my DM and we’ll get this bad boy in your wallet. Thanks to everybody that participated. Got over 300 likes and reposts Stay tuned."

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to KillaDro (@KillaDro_) to get his reaction to his newest addition! He said that he was stoked to win, especially since times are tight right now: "I was in the Gang with a set of Clones for a bit, and I'm hoping to add more GCG assets."

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to highlight community initiatives and all things Gutter, all the time. Follow along @guttercattimes on Twitter.

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