Gang Gang and happy Caturday!
Calling all Puffers, from all communities: shoot your shot to get in on a new Puffer IP project!
Today The Puffer Gang (@thepuffergang) tweeted: "PUFFER CASTING CALL. If you are Puffer Gang and want your Puffer involved in our next IP project, please post it below. GCG, TAB, Hooligans, Doodles, doesn't matter. ALL PUFFERS WELCOME!"
The Puffer Gang is "a collective of @GutterCatGang Puffer enthusiasts, with a focus on growing and spreading the Puffer brand." @TheAlienBoyNFT is a current Puffer partner, and the Gang is open to more cross-community Puffers! Now's your chance to shine!
The Gutter Cat Times reached out to r0seNY, who said: "It's a fun, little IP project." Though he's not letting the Puffer Cat (or pigeon) out of the bag just yet on the project's focus, he added, "it's gonna be hot!"
Head to the Puffer Gang tweet and submit your Puffer NFT "headshot" for consideration. r0seNY will then be in contact with selected Puffers about next steps. Gang Gang!
The Gutter Cat Times will follow the Puffer Gang's IP project as it develops and bring more highlights to the community. Follow us @guttercattimes for all Gutter, all the time.