Hoist a cold one for this Gutter Cat!
Heady Tokin (@Headytokin), the Gutter Cat Gang's Community Manager, celebrated his very Gang Gang day of birth today, and the Gutter fam took to the TL to wish him a Happy Caturday and Happy Birthday!
Fleetz (@Fleetz_) tweeted, "Happy Caturday. Especially to Moldy, aka @Headytokin because its his BDAY! Drinks on him! @GutterCatGang #GCG #ganggang"
Mach1ne.eth filled the TL with Cats, saying, "Happy Caturday. Also happy birthday to @Headytokin. Gang Gang."
The Gutter Cat Times reached out to Heady to find out how he's celebrating this special day.
He said, "Simple day for me! Went out for a hike this morning, rode the Harley all day, and my lady is taking me out for Korean BBQ for dinner. I am a simple man. Woods, Harley, good food." Sounds like an awesome day!
NapoleonTNT.GANG summed up the GCG's appreciation, saying, "Yoo happy Birthday Heady!! Appreciate all you do!! Gang Gang!"
Follow us @guttercattimes on Twitter for all things Gutter, all the time. Gang Gang.