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Gutter Sweep: GCG Member Scoops Six OG Cats, Joins Kingpins!


Even in a bear market, there's still sizzle on the streetz of the Gutter!

Yesterday a Gutter Cat Gang member welcomed home six fabulous felines, purchasing these dope 1/2 dozen Cats for 2.852299 ETH, according to Etherscan.

Check out the stellar six-pack below:

This GCG holder is currently at #68 on the Gutterboard, with 6 Cats picked up in the sweep, plus 5 Rats, 5 Pigeons, and 5 Dogs.

Gang can scope out this new King Pin's full collection in all of its Gutter glory below!

Congrats on the sweep and Kingpin status, Gang!

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to bring news from the Gutter on sweeps, community, events, and other happenings! Follow us @guttercattimes on Twitter.

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