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Gutter Madness: Bracket Winners Announced, Dropped Prizes


Gang Gang from the Gutter!

As we move on from the madness of March, the Gutter Cat Gang officially announced the winners of the NCAA March Madness Bracket Challenge, tweeting, "Congrats on the dub @s_spalding21, @omarh1031, @Yomesh21189592 and @drunkchimpnft!

Your prizes will be sent to the wallet address submitted to the bracket challenge within 48 hours. GANG GANG."

As the Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, the Bracket Challenge launched in mid-March, and all Gang with at least one Gutter asset were invited to join in the fun. The prizes for the top four are: Gutter Dog, Gutter Rat, Gutter Pigeon, and a D1 Gutter Cat Clone.

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to 1st place winner, Steven Spalding (@s_spalding21), who won the bracket with 112 total points, to ask about the thrill of victory. He said, "Definitely feels good to win. I’m big into sports and obviously March Madness is always a great time. Also feels good to win another OG!"

He's been in the Gutter since mint passes for dogs and pigeons dropped, and loves being part of the Gang: "Lots of sports/degen vibes, which is right up my alley!"

Congrats to Steven Spalding and the other winners! Can't wait to see you show off your new Gutter assets! Gang Gang!

Follow @guttercattimes on Twitter for all Gutter, all the time.

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