The Gutter got a flash of brilliance today as CaptainSkelly showed off the shiny trophy that will go to the winner of the community's Fantasy Football League.
"The @NFL season is almost kicked off and not only is the @GutterCatGang No Gutter, No Glory FF League playing for OGs this season, but the Champion will go onto win this Catbardi Trophy as well! Good luck fellas, and Gang Gang! @collinn_eth @Phillythereum
@NFTSnipr954 @GutterZed @IAmMach1ne," he tweeted.
As The Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, the league is in its second year and playing for playing for OGs and the trophy. 1st place wins 8 OGs + Trophy, 2nd: 3 OGs, and 3rd: 1 OG.
The GCT reached out to CaptainSkelly for more info on the "Catbardi Trophy."
He said, "I am excited to announce the playing rights for the 'No Gutter, No Glory' FF League, Catbardi Trophy! This 18” trophy has been customized to give it a Gutter vibe."
CaptainSkelly added, "The winner of the championship week will receive the Catbardi Trophy as a symbol of their victory and it will be passed on to the next champion every year. The Catbardi Trophy will be a lasting reminder of the bragging rights and honor associated with winning the No Gutter, No Glory Championship!"
The Gang showed up on the TL with trash talk and excitement: Mach1ne.eth said, "Shine that baby up, it's going to look nice in my office." M!KΞ | AktivApe said, "Fuck yeah!!!" and MetaWang replied, "Wow this is nice. Good luck gang."

The Gutter Cat Times will follow the community's FF League to see who gets the glory in the Gutter and takes the Catbardi trophy home!
Keep up with all the news from the Gutter @guttercattimes on Twitter.