Gang Gang from the Gutter!
Get the party favors ready, Gang!
The Gutter Cat Gang's 2-year Gutterversary is next month, and tonight Gutter Dan tweeted: "Crazy that my first @GutterCatGang post was almost 2 YEARS AGO. Time has a beautiful way of putting things into perspective. Looking forward to next 100 in the Gutter."
In Gutter Dan's Discord post from May 28th, 2021, he introduced himself and said, "This is Dan, I'm one of the creators and admins of the Gutter Cat Gang. We're stoked to have you all here."

After Dan's tweet, the Gang community showed up to give props to the Co-founder and team.
MagnumAPI replied, "It's amazing to see how far @GutterCatGang has come in just two years! Cheers to many more years of growth and success in the NFT world."

wenrat.eth said, "We back you and the team Dan! None better than the gutter for us!"
Gutter Dan responded, "Gutter Dan till I die. Appreciate you bro 100."

Congrats to Gutter Dan and the team as the Gutter Cat Gang closes in on almost 2-years since GCG launched. A lot's happened since then and there's lots more to come!
And, if Dan's tweet suggests anything, it's that he's sticking around for the Gang Gang fun, at least for the next 100!
The Gutter Cat Times will continue to share news and updates from the Gutter! Follow us on Twitter @guttercattimes