There's something brewing in the Gutter!
Community member GawaNinja (@gawacados) is giving the Gang something to cheer about, putting his Gutter Cat Gang IP to use with Los Angeles Ale Works, in Hawthorne, CA!
"Scrappadelic Juicy IPA will be back soon!! Ships nationwide," GawaNinja tweeted recently, showing off multi-colored cans rockin' Gutter Cat #2405, a 5-Trait feline with Piebald Fur, Green Eyes, Psychedelic Bandana, White Tank Shirt, and a Yellow Background.
The Gutter Cat Times reached out to GawaNinja to find out more about his time in the Gutter and how he's putting his IP into play.
"The Gutter Cat art is what drew me in initially, and I joined the Gang in March 2022, with the release of Clones. Once I got in the Discord and started to connect with the community, I knew I was in the right spot."
Gawa's current hot spot is #21 on the Gutterboard, with 13 Cats, 5 Rats, 4 Pigeons, 9 Dogs, 3 D1 Clones, and 2 D2 Clones!
He told the Gutter Cat Times that he's done other beer collabs with LA Ale Works based on album releases for artists that he manages, and the brewery owners are now friends.
"They have a Brewery Cat named Scrappy that they found in the back alley when they moved in, so this collab was a natural fit. The owners are deadheads and the psychedelic headband on the Piebald Cat was spot on! We came up with 'Scrappadelic' and hit the ground running," GawaNinja explained.
Gawa and the owners worked on the flavor profile of the beer, designing the label with a high quality vinyl sticker that peels off the can. "It adds the ability to still promote the Gutter Cat Gang and highlight the Cat after you finish the beer," he said.
GawaNinja explained, "I was really stoked to utilize the IP rights and have it align so perfectly with LA Ale Works. I hope other holders take advantage of licensing deals with their IP, too."
The Gang on the TL was also stoked, with eTH.eth tweeting, "Scrappadelic me ASAP. Community made beer is what it's all about. GG!" and DaVincitheGreat.eth added, "I was actually inquiring with Ale Works last week if they were bringing this crew back. LFG!"
The next release of Scrappadelic will be 12/12, just in time for the holidays! But if you'd like to get in the Gutter spirit before then and you're in Southern, CA, it's at Whole Foods, Sprouts, Lazy Acres, Bristol Farms, other small craft beer liquor stores.
The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow Gutter IP use and community initiatives, and bring that news to the Gang. Follow along @guttercatimes for all things Gutter, all the time.