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Gutter Arcade: What's Dropping On Caturday?

Gang Gang, and Happy Caturday!

The Gutter Arcade is spicing up the Gutter, recently launching its latest #GutterPacman game, with the winning score taking home a Multicade Arcade Machine!

But there's something else dropping today, and The Gutter Cat Times is following the breadcrumbs!

In advance of today's 12PM announcement, we received leaked information for the Gang to speculate on:

Yesterday, Gutter artist, @iamMRJOUBREL Tweeted, "A few pages from the Gutter..."

And MagnumAPI responded with a picture of a magazine and a coin.

Moments ago, The Gutter Cat Times received information that there was "a page missing" from @IamMRJOUBREL's post, and was sent this mysterious, blurred picture:

With Gutter Arcade's "the big one" announcement coming at 12:00 today, we're looking for the pieces to come together.

Gang Gang, and stay tuned for more updates from @guttercattimes as we follow Gutter Arcade's big announcement.

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