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GUTTER ACTIVATES: Mayor Shares Discord Update, "We Won't Stop Working For This Brand & Community!"


The Gutter is kickin' this Sunday, and it ain't just about soccer!

Earlier today, Gutter's Mayor Noah shared a Discord Announcement (see below) saying, "I'm going to do my best to get us an activation before the end of the year and Clones is up first."

He added, "There's a lot in store for our community and we are progressing towards a whole new experience for Clones. I'm confident this project will set us up for an exciting 2024..." Check out the whole message below:

Mayor Noah's message was complemented by the Gutter Cat Gang's tweet this evening that showed off a picture of Gutter Lab surrounded by boxes, barrels, and Gutter juices, pointing to "a solution" around the Clones.

Check out the tweet and image below:

In addition to the message about Clones, Mayor Noah addressed the Gutter Cat Gang's recent soccer-focused tweet, which the Gutter Cat Times reported on earlier.

Noah said, "...bridging the Gutter brand with a more traditional audience is important for our growth," and sees "a real opportunity with this brand." However, he wants to ensure the attention is positive.

He explained, "Our policies and plans around content subject matter, quality, and the pace it is released, especially in regards to follow up tweets, have been adjusted. We can’t have any further distractions if we want to meet our goals with the Clones project."

The Mayor closed out, saying: "We won't stop working for this brand and community...and get ready for progress!"

The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow the Gutter, the Clone activation, and future activations. Follow us @guttercattimes for all the news from the Gutter, all the time.

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