Kushy Dreams is kicking off the New Year with a lil' sumthin' special, and now's your chance to get in on the action!
Gutter Cat Gang member AWeezy (@AWeezy) launched Kushy Dreams (kushydreams.com) to share the power of CBD and hemp and spread vibes far beyond the streets of the Gutter.
Yesterday, Kushy Dreams tweeted, "We’re giving away gummies to celebrate the last week of 2023. 2024 vision. Enter to Win:
1. Follow @DreamsKushy
2. Retweet/Quote & Like
3. We’re picking winners on Friday!"
As the Gutter Cat Times reported earlier, AWeezy launched the Kushy Dreams brand in 2020 with the idea to sell to smoke shops and CBD stores.
The pandemic lockdown forced a pivot: "I had a shit load of inventory and my back was against the wall. On 4/20/2020 we launched the Kushy Website and have been a direct-to-consumer brand ever since."
Check out the Gummies below, with flavors like Raspberry, Green Apple, and Sour Watermelon, plus Art from Gutter's own Joubrel!
Get your entry in to get your hands on some Kushy Dreams' gummies! Winner will be announced on Friday, January 5th. Just click the Tweet linked above and follow the steps to enter.
The Gutter Cat Times will continue to follow Gutter's creators and builders using GCG IP, and bring you news from the Gutter. Follow us @guttercattimes on X for all things Gutter, all the time.