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GCG Founder Gutter Mitch Says: "Let's Fuckin' Get It!"

Gang Gang from the Gutter after a wild weekend!

There's a current of electricity running through the Gang, as Gutter Dan dropped alpha on full sets and trilogies and the Gold Jacket Gang kicks up the vibes a notch or six.

The weekend also saw Gutter Cat Gang Founder, Gutter Mitch, tweet about his excitement for the Gang's future and his role in contributing to its success.

On Caturday, Mitch tweeted, "Haven't been this excited about the future of the gang in a while. Feel it in the pit of my stomach. I think becoming a father was the kick in the ass I needed to kick shit into high gear. No choice but to succeed. Lets fuckin' get it."

As the Gutter Cat Times reported, Gutter Mitch recently welcomed the newest addition to the Gang. His March 11th tweet suggests that becoming a father has helped to take his GCG drive to the next level.

The Gang and others responded enthusiastically to the tweet.

Lonely (@LonelyGutter) gave a "Gang Gang," while DOGGTOR.eth (@javmdpr) wrote, "Gang! Fam! Fckng Gang!" ZTuck (@ZuckTacker) included the Gutter "Bat-signal" visual and tweeted, "Fuck yeah, love it LFG!!!!! Gang Gang!!!!!"

Others, like sepak.eth (@sepa), wrote: "web3 dads are a force to be reckon with."

Domester.eth, who isn't (currently) in the Gang, tweeted, "I'm not in the gang right now fam but I don't want to see you guys fail. The gutter is dope and I'll always appreciate the OG status of your collection. Excited to see what you guys can make happen this year."

Mitch is excited. The Gang is excited. Folks from OTHER COMMUNITIES are excited.

The Gang's got something special, and as Gutter Dan said in a January Gutter FM Twitter Space, The Gutter Cat Gang is "working on dope shit" and they want to bring "everyone along for the ride." Gang MFing Gang!

Stay tuned as the @guttercattimes brings updates on all things Gutter, all the time.

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