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Gang Likes The Cats: Gutter Ric Backs Panthers In NHL Playoffs

Gang Gang from the Gutter, and happy Mutt Monday!

Sports bring out the beast in diehard fans, and the Gutter Cat Gang's getting their claws out for the NHL playoffs!

"WE WANT THE CUP!! !! @FlaPanthers," tweeted Co-Founder Gutter Ric yesterday.

Gutter Ric's tweet came after the Florida Panthers defeated the Boston Bruins 4-3 in overtime in a hard-fought Game 7 during the first-round playoff series.

Though Ric's 6-Trait Cat, #2315, normally rocks a Biker Vest, the Gang's Tom Wagmi (@TomWagmi) hooked Ric up with a cool as ice Panthers' jersey edit, 'cause Gutter = Sports. Check it out here:

The Gutter Cat Times reached out to Gutter Ric, who said: "I'll be at a Panthers - Leafs game no doubt," and he predicts the "Panthers in 6."

After this last Panthers' win and Gutter Ric's tweet, the Gang showed up - some begrudgingly - to put support behind the team.

elBizzle.eth replied, "Crazy game! Let's go! Isles out, I'm rooting for the cats." RichieSmooth.eth added, "Fuck, now that the Lightning are out I'm cheering for the Panthers for sure."

For Gang interested in supporting the Panthers (and Gutter Ric), Tom Wagmi shared the jersey edit below. He said that he usually goes for a "custom fit, so editing may be necessary."

The second round of the playoffs for the Panthers kicks off tomorrow, 5/2, against the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Check out Gutter Bets to get in on the action. Gang Gang!

Follow @guttercattimes for more news from the Gutter.

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